Horikoshi Sensei Seminar

The annual seminar led by Horikoshi sensei, 7-th Dan Aikikai, will take place in St Petersburg on September 25-27, 2009. The seminar is held by the “Seimei” dojo, St Petersburg Aikido Federation under support of the International Euro-Asian Aikido Federation.

Seminar Schedule:

September 25: 17.20 training
September 26: 10.00 1-st training; 19.00 2-nd training
September 27: 10.00 1-st training; 12.00 2-nd training

We invite you to take part in the seminar. A set weapons (boken, jo and tanto) will be required.

Please, make your pre-registration at the Organizing Committee: chernyaev@seimei.spb.ru
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This news item is from Aikido.ru (http://en.aikido.ru/news.php?extend.3)
Posted by Irina, 24.10.2009 - 13:40:22